For human nature, being more highly pitched, selved, and distinctive than anything in the world, can have been developed, evolved,condensed, from the vastness of the world not anyhow or by the working of common powers but only by one of finer or higher pitch and determination than itself.
Gerard Manley HopkinsAny day, any minute we bless God for our being or for anything, for food, for sunlight, we do and are what we were meant for, madefor--things that give and mean to give God glory.
Gerard Manley HopkinsNothing is so beautiful as spring- When weeds in wheels, shoot long and lovely and lush.
Gerard Manley HopkinsELECTED Silence, sing to me And beat upon my whorlรจd ear, Pipe me to pastures still and be The music that I care to hear.
Gerard Manley HopkinsFor human nature, being more highly pitched, selved, and distinctive than anything in the world, can have been developed, evolved,condensed, from the vastness of the world not anyhow or by the working of common powers but only by one of finer or higher pitch and determination than itself.
Gerard Manley Hopkins