It is so friendly so simply friendly and though inevitable not a sadness and though occurring not a shock.
Gertrude Steinthere is no pleasure so sweet as the pleasure of spending money but the pleasure of writing is longer. There is no denying that.
Gertrude SteinHope in gates, hope in spoons, hope in doors, hope in tables, no hope in daintiness and determination. Hope in dates.
Gertrude SteinIf things happen all the time you are never nervous. It is when they are not happening that you are nervous.
Gertrude Steinthere are many ways of eating, for some eating is living for some eating is dying, for some thinking about ways of eating gives to them the feeling that they have it in them to be alive and to be going on living, to some to think about eating makes them know that death is always waiting that dying is in them.
Gertrude Stein