A very wise old teacher once said: I consider a day's teaching wasted if we do not all have one hearty laugh.
Gilbert HighetThe chief aim of education is to show you, after you make a livelihood, how to enjoy living; and you can live longest and best and most rewardingly by attaining and preserving the happiness of learning.
Gilbert HighetThe teacher's chief difficulty is poverty. He (or she) belongs to a badly paid profession. He cannot dress and live like a workman, but he is sometimes paid as little as an unskilled laborer.
Gilbert HighetBad teaching wastes a great deal of effort, and spoils many lives which might have been full of energy and happiness.
Gilbert HighetThe Sonnets of Shakespeare have the fascination of an autobiography, without its clarity. It is like reading an important document in a cave by the light of matches which keep blowing out.
Gilbert HighetThe mind never need stop growing. Indeed, one of the few experiences which never pall is the experience of watching one's own mind and how it produces new interests, responds to new stimuli, and develops new thoughts, apparently without effort and almost independently of one's own conscious control.
Gilbert Highet