The Party System was founded on one national notion of fair play. It was the notion that folly and futility should be fairly divided between both sides.
Gilbert K. ChestertonThe Universe is the most extraordinary masterpiece ever constructed by nobody.
Gilbert K. ChestertonIf, therefore, nonsense is really to be the literature of the future, it must have its own version of the Cosmos to offer; the world must not only be tragic, romantic, and religious, it must be nonsensical also.
Gilbert K. ChestertonCatholicism is not ritualism; it may in the future be fighting some sort of superstitious and idolatrous exaggeration of ritual. Catholicism is not asceticism; it has again and again in the past repressed fanatical and cruel exaggerations of asceticism. Catholicism is not mere mysticism; it is even now defending human reason against the mere mysticism of the Pragmatists.
Gilbert K. Chesterton