The last few decades have been marked by a special cultivation of the romance of the future. We seem to have made up our minds to misunderstand what has happened; and we turn, with a sort of relief, to stating what will happen-which is apparently much easier...The modern mind is forced towards the future by a certain sense of fatigue, not unmixed with terror, with which it regards the past.
Gilbert K. ChestertonBigotry is an incapacity to conceive seriously the alternative to a proposition.
Gilbert K. ChestertonFaith is always at a disadvantage; it is a perpetually defeated thing which survives all conquerors.
Gilbert K. ChestertonNow, among the heresies that are spoken in this matter is the habit of calling a grey day a "colourless" day. Grey is a colour, and can be a very powerful and pleasing colour.... A grey clouded sky is indeed a canopy between us and the sun; so is a green tree, if it comes to that. But the grey umbrellas differ as much as the green in their style and shape, in their tint and tilt. One day may be grey like steel, and another grey like dove’s plumage. One may seem grey like the deathly frost, and another grey like the smoke of substantial kitchens.
Gilbert K. ChestertonThis is the age in which thin and theoretic minorities can cover and conquer unconscious and untheoretic majorities.
Gilbert K. Chesterton