If a man called Christmas Day a mere hypocritical excuse for drunkenness and gluttony, that would be false, but it would have a fact hidden in it somewhere. But when Bernard Shaw says the Christmas Day is only a conspiracy kept up by poulterers and wine merchants from strictly business motives, then he says something which is not so much false as startling and arrestingly foolish. He might as well say that the two sexes were invented by jewellers who wanted to sell wedding rings.
Gilbert K. ChestertonWhatever else may be said of man, this one thing is clear: He is not what he is capable of being.
Gilbert K. ChestertonThe true savage is a slave, and is always talking about what he must do; the true civilised man is a free man, and is always talking about what he may do.
Gilbert K. ChestertonMen did not love Rome because she was great. She was great because they had loved her.
Gilbert K. ChestertonPsychoanalysis is a science conducted by lunatics for lunatics. They are generally concerned with proving that people are irresponsible; and they certainly succeed in proving that some people are
Gilbert K. ChestertonThere are two ways of dealing with nonsense in this world. One way is to put nonsense in the right place; as when people put nonsense into nursery rhymes. The other is to put nonsense in the wrong place; as when they put it into educational addresses, psychological criticisms, and complaints against nursery rhymes or other normal amusements of mankind.
Gilbert K. Chesterton