Obama wants to stand for a peaceful, generous, encompassing approach that would bring all Americans, but not just Americans, the whole of international society, together to advance civilization towards what we all understand is necessary to advance. Because of that he's being subjected to very serious rejections from the reactionary portion of the system, which, unfortunately, is the dominant portion.
Gilberto GilLike most artists and musicians, I considered myself detached from the political life. But I had an insight that maybe we would have a political contribution to make in the future.
Gilberto GilThe United States is very important, too important in the civilizational process of the world. It's difficult to move, to make a difference in establishments like the one the US represents.
Gilberto Gil[ on the "tropicalization" of intellectual property laws ] To make the digital world join in the samba.
Gilberto GilSponsors, corporate endowments, and the heritage of the big fortunes would take care of financing cultural projects when American society was homogeneous. Now it's too complex, it's a mix. Different cultures in collision. I think it starts to be necessary to have a government institution to deal with cultural affairs.
Gilberto Gil