When discussing overall impacts on employment, it is important not to overlook the new technologies and industries that can be driven by pollution control standards.
Gina McCarthyTransparency is all about letting in and embracing new ideas, new technology and new approaches. No individual, entity or agency, no matter how smart, how old, or how experienced, can afford to stop learning.
Gina McCarthyPeople are not running to build coal facilities because of the price of natural gas, but we do see them being constructed, and there is an interest in fuel diversity, so we took the exercise pretty seriously.
Gina McCarthyI love disagreements. I love the democratic process. If I'm in a room where everybody agrees, I start to nod off.
Gina McCarthyI don't think any administration, when they come in, thinks that their job is to tell the scientists what the science looks like or to be quiet about the science. Scientists need to remain true and not allow science to be politicized. Scientists are not politicians, and no politician should consider themselves to be a scientist.
Gina McCarthyI think climate change is probably the most extreme, and it's been going on for years because it's very difficult to talk about a planetary issue like climate change and to get people who live within four-year electoral cycles to actually pay attention to something that you predict is happening way in the future.
Gina McCarthy