That's what I try to do, my wife and I, we try to, not shelter them [kids], but still not contribute to the delinquency of a minor.
GinuwineOne reason is because I was not being recognized the way I thought I should be recognized, so I stopped putting so much into what I was doing 'cause I was like 'Oh they don't care about it anyway...'
GinuwineRight and a true woman will see that. And I have kids, so I'm always telling my sons...shower!
GinuwineTo get nominated, and a lot of people get nominated and say they're glad to be nominated but I wanna win! I want to win!
GinuwineI just go in the studio and do what I love to do. People will be people, they'll come and go, they'll like you then not like you, I just try to stay true to myself first and that's what most important because that way when you are successful you can stand up and say look, I did it my way and I did it the way that I wanted to do it.