When you are starting out you're inspired by so many different things, you just want to be the best, man...and you're just so ambitious; your drive is just at a million!
GinuwineJust wanting to be more of an example, but letting them know also that I made mistakes when I was a kid; and I'm not expecting you to be perfect.
GinuwineAlways making sure I'm clean. And that's truly what it's about. I think it's a lot of misconceptions about what a man is, what a thug is, and all that kind of stuff.
GinuwineMy drive is still cool, it's not like how when I first began. I don't think anyone's drive is the same.
GinuwineI've always been like nah, I'm going to have it my way, that way, when I look out that window at the end of the day, I can say I did it my way, whether it's on a higher level, or a level where I can just maintain, I can still say I did it my way.
GinuwineWe need to show how we really are and how we really are is that I'm the Dad, that's the Mom, these are the kids. This is how you respect us. It's "Yes Sir", "No Sir", "Yes Mam" and "No Mam". We don't see a lot of that on TV, so I just want to give an example and show examples on how a family should be versus how families are portrayed on TV.