Preach in the name of God. The learned will smile; ask the learned what they have done for their country. The priests will excommunicate you . . .
Giuseppe MazziniWithout country you have neither name, token, voice, nor rights, no admission as brothers into the fellowship of the Peoples. You are the bastards of Humanity. Soldiers without a banner, Israelites among the nations, you will find neither faith nor protection; none will be sureties for you. Do not beguile yourselves with the hope of emancipation from unjust social conditions if you do not first conquer a Country for yourselves.
Giuseppe MazziniShakespeare's personages live and move as if they had just come from the hand of God, with a life that, though manifold, is one, and, though complex, is harmonious.
Giuseppe MazziniThe great men of the earth are but the marking-stones on the road of humanity; they are the priests of its religion.
Giuseppe MazziniO my Brothers! love your Country. Our Country is our home, the home which God has given us, placing therein a numerous family which we love and are loved by, and with which we have a more intimate and quicker communion of feeling and thought than with others; a family which by its concentration upon a given spot, and by the homogeneous nature of its elements, is destined for a special kind of activity.
Giuseppe Mazzini