Everything about singing, I learned from busking. Everything I learned about songwriting, I learned from busking. Busking, you learn people, you learn about reading people. You learn about reading the atmosphere of the street. If you stand still in any city long enough, you see everyone pass you by. It's almost like you get to know personality types, just by watching people walk past. You get a sense for things.
Glen HansardIf you don't mark your successes, the day your ship comes in could be just another day at the office, and there's no poetry in that.
Glen HansardI've realized, you know, having turned 40, that rest is just as important as work. In fact, it's equally as important.
Glen HansardI love the idea of leaving some of the original abstract thought in, because the problem is that when you pick up a pen you become a snob, your own worse critic. You edit yourself in a way that is non-creative.
Glen HansardI've always felt that if I ever got cynical, I would have to stop making music because I'd just be poisoning the air.
Glen HansardCertain songs have a life, and certain songs don't. A song is like a saddle: you ride it for a while, and if it's the right kind of song you can sing it for the rest of your life. And then other songs are only really important for certain periods of your life, and you move on from them and find yourself not necessarily needing to sing them anymore.
Glen Hansard