comedy ... is much harder to do than drama. It's not true that laugh and the world laughs with you. It's very hard to make a group of people laugh at the same thing; much easier to make them cry at the same thing. ... That's why great comic acting is probably the greatest acting there is.
Glenda JacksonI can't actually see myself putting make-up on my face at the age of sixty, but I can see myself going on a camel train to Samarkand.
Glenda JacksonYou'd think is something one would grow out of. But you grow into it. The more you do, the more you realize how painfully easy it is to be lousy and how very difficult to be good.
Glenda JacksonBeing an actress has something in common with being a housewife. They both look terribly easy to someone who hasn't done them. And the easier it looks, probably the better you are doing your job.
Glenda Jackson