When you cheer for the erosion of Dzhokhar Tsarnaevs rights, you're cheering for the erosion of your own.
Glenn GreenwaldSecrecy is the linchpin of abuse of power, . . . its enabling force. Transparency is the only real antidote.
Glenn Greenwald[I]t's impossible to evade the fact that Endless War will inevitably degrade the citizenry of the country that engages in it. A country which venerates its military above all other institutions, which demands that its soldiers be spoken of only with religious-like worship, and which continuously indoctrinates its population to believe that endless violence against numerous countries is necessary and just - all by instilling intense fear of the minorities who are the target of that endless violence - will be a country filled with citizens convinced of the virtues and nobility of aggression.
Glenn GreenwaldThe more fear confrontational activism can put into the heart of the political class, the better.
Glenn GreenwaldThe many pro-surveillance advocates I have debated since Snowden blew the whistle have been quick to echo [Google CEO] Eric Schmidt's view that privacy is for people who have something to hide. But none of them would willingly give me the passwords to their email accounts, or allow video cameras in their homes.
Glenn Greenwald