The only meaningful thing we can offer one another is love. Not advice, not questions about our choices, not suggestions for the future, just love.
Glennon MeltonDuring my drinking decades, I lived like a pig. My room was a hazardous pile of stilettos, tube tops, wine bottles, ashtrays, and old magazines. I valued nothing. Everything that came into my life was disposable: clothes, opportunities, people. My bedroom looked as if my insides had spilled out onto the floor.
Glennon MeltonIf you feel something calling you to dance or write or paint or sing, please refuse to worry about whether you're good enough . Just do it. Be generous. Offer a gift to the world no one else can offer : yourself.
Glennon MeltonThere are only two lives we might live: our dream or our destiny. Sometimes they are one in the same, and sometimes they're not. Often our dreams are just a path to our destinies.
Glennon Melton