In a global arena, what our businessmen need in order to be competitive is transparency and a level playing-field.
Gloria Macapagal ArroyoI was invited by President Bush to come to the United States on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the mutual defense treaty.
Gloria Macapagal ArroyoThe Philippines and the U.S. have had a strong relationship with each other for a very long time now. We have a shared history. We have shared values, democracy, freedom, and we have been in all the wars together in modern history, the World War, Second World War, Cold War, Vietnam, Korea, now the war on terrorism.
Gloria Macapagal ArroyoBefore September 11, we were fighting terrorism in our southwestern Philippines, and it was a lonely fight. However, we were able to contain it now in one island in that part of the Philippines. But after September 11, and after the creation of the global coalition against terrorism, now we have allies, and I believe now it will easier with allies.
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo