If you listen to the Catholic bishops you would think that Catholics are against contraception and legal abortion, but if you ask actual Catholics, you discover that more than 90% of Catholic women use contraception and Catholic women seem to need and choose legal abortion at about the same rate as everybody else. The problem is that the backlash occupies positions of power, not that it represents the majority of people.
Gloria Steinem... if you're a woman, all they can think about your relationship with a politician is that you're either sleeping with him or advising him about clothes.
Gloria SteinemGod may be in the details, but the goddess is in the questions. Once we begin to ask them, there's no turning back.
Gloria SteinemWomen can be vivacious. We are allowed more varieties of facial expression and gestures. Men must be rocklike.
Gloria SteinemI don't know if fury can compete with necessity as the mother of invention, but I recommend it.
Gloria Steinem