when pain has been intertwined with love and closeness, it's very difficult to believe that love and closeness can be experienced without pain.
Gloria SteinemWe all have good instincts unless they're beaten out of us or shamed out of us in childhood.
Gloria SteinemFeminism starts out being very simple, and it ends up being a world view that questions hierarchy altogether.
Gloria Steinem[On gender-rating by insurance companies:] They say the reason they get to charge more is we have children. I would say having children is a socially useful act. Being female is not a preexisting condition.
Gloria SteinemWhen you stand up for yourself and try to be autonomous and self-determining, you're called a lot of names that we all know and that are very common. You may lose your job. You may lose custody of your child. You may be blamed for the failure of your marriage even though it was the man who couldn't tolerate an equal relationship.
Gloria Steinem