Men may feel just disempowered by intimacy, by being close to a woman, and also by feeling the tender feelings that they're ashamed of.
Gloria SteinemWhy are women raped far away (say, Bosnia) called victims, while those raped nearby (say, a local campus) are playing victim politics?
Gloria SteinemMen, through no fault of theirs, get born into cultures that tell them that if a woman can do it, it's not worth doing, or if they're not superior to women in one way or another, they're not really masculine.
Gloria SteinemAt my graduation, I thought we had to marry what we wished to become. Now you are becoming the men you once would have wished to marry.
Gloria Steinem... anything a powerful group has is perceived as good, no matter what it is, and anything a less powerful group has is not so good, no matter how intrinsically great it might be.
Gloria Steinem... members of a powerful group are raised to believe (however illogically) that whatever affects it will also affect them. On theother hand, members of less powerful groups are raised to believe (however illogically) that each individual can escape the group's fate. Thus, cohesion is encouraged on the one hand, and disunity is fostered on the other.
Gloria Steinem