It turns out that we literally don't empathize unless we're physically present - that the oxytocin, the famous "tend and befriend" hormone is not produced unless we're present with all five senses.
Gloria SteinemThe deepest change begins with men raising children as much as women do and women being equal actors in the world outside the home.
Gloria SteinemMost writers write to say something about other people - and it doesn't last. Good writers write to find out about themselves - and it lasts forever.
Gloria SteinemI think we spend a lot of time denying our mothers. We understand other women earlier than we understand our mothers because we're trying so hard to say, "I'm not going to be like my mother" that we blame her for her condition. If we didn't blame her for her condition, we would have to admit that it could happen to us, too. I spent a long time doing that, thinking that my mother's problems were uniquely her fault.
Gloria Steinem