Education will equip you to do something worthwhile in the great world of opportunity that lies ahead.
Gordon B. HinckleySpare yourselves from the indulgence of self-pity. It is always self-defeating. Subdue the negative and emphasize the positive.
Gordon B. HinckleyOur hope concerning the future is great, and our faith is strong. We know we’ve scarcely scratched the surface of that which will come to pass in the years that lie ahead.
Gordon B. HinckleyWhat a marvelous and wonderful thing is # prayer . Think of it. We can actually speak with our Father in # Heaven .
Gordon B. HinckleyHow sweet is the assurance, how comforting is the peace that come from the knowledge that if we marry right and live right, our relationship will continue, notwithstanding the certainty of death and the passage of time. Men may write love songs and sing them. They may yearn and hope and dream. But all of this will be only a romantic longing unless there is an exercise of authority that transcends the powers of time and death.
Gordon B. Hinckley