It is both revealing and invigorating to occasionally set aside the worries of life, seek the company of a friendly book and mingle with the great of the earth, counsel with the wise of all time, look into the unlived days with prophets...To become acquainted with real nobility as it walks the pages of history and science and literature is to strengthen character and develop life in its finer meanings.
Gordon B. HinckleyWe're all sons and daughters of God, and therefore in a very literal sense, brothers and sisters. And we ought to treat each other that way.
Gordon B. HinckleyI have yet to find a faithful tithe payer who cannot testify that in a very literal and wonderful way the windows of Heaven have been opened and blessings have been poured out upon him or her.
Gordon B. HinckleyNo other practice will make one more attractive in conversation than to be well-read in a variety of subjects.
Gordon B. Hinckley