How thankful we ought to be ... how thankful we are, for a prophet to counsel us in words of divine wisdom as we walk our paths in these complex and difficult times. The solid assurance we carry in our hearts, the conviction that God will make his will known to his children through his recognized servant is the real basis of our faith and activity. We either have a prophet or we have nothing: and having a prophet, we have everything
Gordon B. HinckleyThe cause of most of man's unhappiness is sacrificing what he wants most for what he wants now.
Gordon B. HinckleyAnger is the mother of a whole brood of evil actions. Divorce too often is the bitter fruit of anger.
Gordon B. HinckleyWell, we have nothing to hide. Our history is an open book. They may find what they are looking for, but the fact is the history of the church is clear and open and leads to faith and strength and virtues.
Gordon B. HinckleySome of you may feel that you are not as attractive and beautiful and glamorous as you would like to be. Rise above any such feelings, cultivate the light you have within you, and it will shine through as a radiant expression that will be seen by others. You need never feel inferior. You need never feel that you were born without talents or without opportunities to give them expression. Cultivate whatever talents you have, and they will grow anะฒ refine and become an expression of your true self appreciated by others.
Gordon B. Hinckley