I do not admire 'the people,' as such. No one really does. Their folk wisdom is usually false, their instincts predatory. Even their sense of survival - so highly developed in the individual - goes berserk in the mass. A crowd is a fool.
Gore VidalYou hear all this whining going on, "Where are our great writers?" The thing I might feel doleful about is: Where are the readers?
Gore VidalGod, or what have you, will not be found at the far end of a syllogism, no matter how brilliantly phrased or conceived.
Gore VidalWhen Ronald Reagan's career in show business came to an end, he was hired to impersonate, first, a California governor and then an American president who would reduce taxes for his employers, the Southern and Western New Rich, much of whose money came from the defence industries. There is nothing unusual about this arrangement. All recent presidents have had their price-tags.
Gore Vidal