Vitriolic is a needless and malign attack on something, excessive attack on something. It is a rather pointless thing to do.
Gore VidalAlthough the notion of one god may give comfort to those in need of a daddy, it reminds the rest of us that the totalitarian society is grounded upon the concept of God the father. One paternal god, one paternal leader. Authority is absolute.
Gore VidalAny American who is prepared to run for president should automatically, by definition, be disqualified from ever doing so.
Gore VidalWriters who teach tend to prefer literary theory to literature and tenure to all else. Writers who do not teach prefer the contemplation of Careers to art of any kind.
Gore VidalI would be literally patrician in the sense that the senators in ancient Rome were called conscript fathers, paters, from which comes the word patrician. So if you come from a senatorial family, you are literally patrician in that sense, but that doesn't mean that you couldn't be Billy Carter, you know, of recent memory.
Gore Vidal