Every present state of a simple substance is the natural consequence of its preceding state, in such a way that its present is big with its future.
Gottfried LeibnizLet there be two possible things, A and B, one of which is such that it is necessary that it exists, and let us assume that there is more perfection in A than in B. Then, at least, we can explain why A should exist rather than B and can foresee which of them will exist; indeed, this can be demonstrated, that is, rendered certain from the nature of the thing.
Gottfried LeibnizIt is necessary to believe that the mixture of evil has produced the greatest possible good: otherwise the evil would not have been permitted.
Gottfried LeibnizThe pleasure we obtain from music comes from counting, but counting unconsciously. Music is nothing but unconscious arithmetic.
Gottfried LeibnizI am convinced that the unwritten knowledge scattered among men of different callings surpasses in quantity and in importance anything we find in books, and that the greater part of our wealth has yet to be recorded.
Gottfried LeibnizGod, possessing supreme and infinite wisdom, acts in the most perfect manner, not only metaphysically, but also morally speaking, and ... with respect to ourselves, we can say that the more enlightened and informed we are about God's works, the more we will be disposed to find them excellent and in complete conformity with what we might have desired.
Gottfried Leibniz