Even if we planted a tree on every square yard available in the planet by the end of the century we would only capture at most 10 percent of the CO2 we need to reduce. This does not mean that we should not plant trees; we should, for biodiversity's sake, and for our long-term future together with the other species.
Graciela ChichilniskyThe sun is the source of all energy on planet Earth and we cannot experiment with our only energy source.
Graciela ChichilniskyCarbon negative power plants can provide energy while they overcome poverty and change economic values in the right direction.
Graciela ChichilniskySigns of a poorly understood but treatable house fire requires action, not inaction.
Graciela ChichilniskyThe first reaction to trauma is denial, then comes anger and finally, acceptance. I think the US is still between denial and anger, and I hope we will reach acceptance because almost perversely, right now, only the US has the technology that is needed for global economic change.
Graciela Chichilnisky