We know that the warming rising seas will swallow entire island nations that are about 25 percent of the UN vote and perhaps at the end, even our civilization. This realization is traumatic and the first reaction to trauma is denial. Since there is some remaining scientific uncertainty, a natural response is to deny that change is occurring. This is natural but it is very dangerous.
Graciela ChichilniskyIf nuclear warfare is believed to be somewhat controlled, then climate change is now the greatest threat.
Graciela ChichilniskyTrees and clean energy [are] the long-run solution but we have no time to wait for the long run. We need a short-run solution now, and one that encourages and facilitates the transition to the long-run solution.
Graciela ChichilniskyWe need to support our future instead of undermining human survival. Let's do it.
Graciela Chichilnisky