When ["Wonder Woman" creator William Moulton] Marston died in 1947, they got rid of the pervy elements, and instantly sales plummeted. Wonder Woman should be the most sexually attractive, intelligent, potent woman you can imagine. Instead she became this weird cross between the Virgin Mary and Mary Tyler Moore that didn't even appeal to girls.
Grant MorrisonItโs mostly just you have to convince yourself that thereโs nothing else in the room but John Lennon and suddenly things start John Lennon-ing!
Grant MorrisonI do like to keep abreast of what the hardcore vocal members of the comics-reading audience are talking about on Internet message boards, but there are so few of them, as a percentage of the buying audience, that I can't allow their opinions to dictate story direction.
Grant MorrisonAnd that's why people read comics, to get away from the way life works, which is quite cruel and unheroic and ends in death.
Grant MorrisonThe more I think about it, the more I realize that schools are just factories for turning out robots, that's all. They get you when your small and vulnerable and they take all the human parts away, bit by bit, until you're just a wind-up toy. Turn the key and set it running. And the toy goes to university, gets a job, settles down with someone nice.
Grant Morrison