Sometimes, God is going to have you sow a seed. Sometimes, God is going to have you water a seed that someone else sows. Sometimes, God is going to have you reap where others have sowed and watered.
Greg LaurieThe Bible says there are things that we should look for that signal the last days and one of them of course is the scattering and regathering of the nation of Israel, which we all know happened in 1948 when Israel was declared a nation.
Greg LaurieLoving God more than anyone or anything else is the very foundation of being a disciple. If you want to live your Christian life to its fullest, then love Jesus more than anyone or anything else.
Greg LaurieI think there is always new people that have never heard the gospel before that need to have it because the gospel - which is the death, resurrection of Christ and the message of his forgiveness - is the only hope for a person knowing that they will go to Heaven and then finding the meaning and purpose they search for in life.
Greg Laurie