You can manifest the life you truly want with clear intention, emotional intelligence and it or not, your life is what you have chosen.
Gregg BradenThe key to our transformation is simply this: the better we know ourselves the better equipped we will be to make our choices wisely.
Gregg BradenWhen a certain number of people come together and they choose at a moment in time to create a precise emotion in their hearts, that emotion literally can intentionally influence the very fields that sustain the life on planet earth.
Gregg BradenWhen we form heart-centered beliefs within our bodies, in the language of physics we're creating the electrical and magnetic expression of them as waves of energy, which aren't confined to our hearts or limited by the physical barrier of our skin and bones. So clearly we're speaking to the world around us in each moment of every day through a language that has no words: the belief-waves of our hearts.
Gregg Braden