She [Eva Braun] was always complaining later on, "I know nothing that's going on." They [with Adolf Hitler] talked about other things: dogs, movies, music, Munich gossip, who was going with who, who was cheating on their spouses, who was drinking too much or trying to quit. All sorts of local things like that.
Gretl BraunThe negatives were [Adolf Hitler] political philosophies, but neither Eva [Braun] or I knew anything that was going on.
Gretl Braun[Adolf] Hitler had a very strong adolescent side to him, emotionally he was like a boy in certain things, like film stars and gossip.
Gretl Braun[Wilhelm] Bruckner was one of [Adolf] Hitler's adjutants, very close to him and he'd been in the party probably since day one. Personally neither of us could stand him.
Gretl BraunEva [Braun] loved [Adolf] Hitler and he was the only man in her life. She flirted and danced with other men but never would she have done more than that.
Gretl BraunWhen [Adolf] Hitler was in Munich, their place [with Eva Braun] to meet was always his apartment. Before that, it was at Hoffmann's place. They had their routine there, Hitler had his security there, it was a place he was used to. He never got used to the apartment he got us on the Widenmayerstraรe .
Gretl Braun