When we were in the Munich house, sometimes [Adolf Hitler] would call the house line after one of their fights. They would talk and then Eva [Braun] would emerge from her room and behave normally.
Gretl BraunWhatever anybody wants to say about my sister, [Eva Braun] was always beautifully dressed with a great flair for fashion. [Adolf] Hitler was not this way.
Gretl BraunEva [Braun] also cried when [Adolf Hitler] would leave her for long periods. She was inconsolable without him, that was a never-changing refrain.
Gretl BraunShortly after Eva's [Braun] second attempt at suicide, [Adolf] Hitler moved quickly, as we discussed already. I can't tell you how difficult it was for her living at the apartment of our parents. I wasn't happy there, but Eva was miserable, I can tell you that.
Gretl BraunI'm quite sure it happened in Berlin too when Eva [Braun] stayed there later on. I wouldn't know about that because I was scarcely ever there myself. I don't want to suggest she was crying all the time, but then they had their arguments, she was very downcast until she had cried it through. It happened on occasion.
Gretl Braun