I hardly ever watch my own work. I just end up picking myself apart! I can't even stand to hear myself on voicemail. the sound of my own voice is like nails on a chalkboard. The same goes for my records.
Grey DeLisleMany thanks for all of the love and good wishes sent our way from my friends out there in cartoon land... the only place where a nine month pregnant woman can still play a hot goth chick in a belly shirt!
Grey DeLisleI feel like my music is just an extension of my acting. I treat the songs like scenes that tell a story... it's very similar.
Grey DeLisleI was always talking in weird voices from the time I was two. I guess I just found a way to keep doing it! I did get a degree in theater and took some voice-over classes... but most of it is just the same stuff I was doing as a kid!
Grey DeLisle