Nothing stays the same it all gets crushed. It all gets broken. It all passes with time. Only the moment you're in has any meaning." "There are things that stand the test of time, there are things that last. Like love." "Love theres nothing more fragile or ephereal. Love is like fire on a rainy day: you've got to spend all your time protecting it, feeding it, tending it because if you don't it goes out." "There are some loves that last." "No, what lasts is the pain that comes after love.
Guillaume MussoShe needs someone who will be everything for her: her friend, her boyfriend, her confidant, her lover and sometimes even her enemy.
Guillaume MussoHe understood then that neither time nor distance had lessened his love for her. But was love that made him ache with suffering truly worth fighting for?
Guillaume MussoSome say that you know real love when you realise the only person in the world who can console you is the one who has hurt you.
Guillaume Musso