Arson, after all, is an artificial crime...A large number of houses deserve to be burnt.
H. G. WellsMoney means in a thousand minds a thousand subtly different, roughly similar, systems of images, associations, suggestions and impulses.
H. G. WellsAfter your first day of cycling, one dream is inevitable. A memory of motion lingers in the muscles of your legs, and round and round they seem to go. You ride through Dreamland on wonderful dream bicycles that change and grow.
H. G. WellsWe have learned now that we cannot regard this planet as being fenced in and a secure abiding place for Man we can never anticipate the unseen good or evil that may come upon us suddenly out of space.
H. G. WellsLife is two things. Life is morality – life is adventure. Squire and master. Adventure rules, and morality looks up the trains in the Bradshaw. Morality tells you what is right, and adventure moves you. If morality means anything it means keeping bounds, respecting implications, respecting implicit bounds. If individuality means anything it means breaking bounds – adventure.
H. G. Wells