Welles and I differed, however, in our interpretation of the results of the Munich Conference, he being optimistic, I skeptical. In a radio address on October 3, several days after the conference, in which he described the steps taken by the United States Government just prior to Munich, he said that today, perhaps more than at any time during the past two decades, there was presented the opportunity for the establishment by the nations of the world of a new world order based upon justice and upon law. It seemed to me that the colors in the picture were much darker.
H. G. WellsFace this world. Learn its ways, watch it, be careful of too hasty guesses at its meaning. In the end you will find clues to it all.
H. G. WellsThis is the end and the beginning of an age. This is something far greater than the French Revolution or the Reformation and we live in it.
H. G. Wells