The exercise of magical power is the exercise of natural powers, but superior to the ordinary functions of Nature. A miracle is not a violation of the laws of Nature, except for ignorant people. Magic is but a science, a profound knowledge of the Occult forces in Nature, and of the laws governing the visible or the invisible world. Spiritualism in the hands of an adept becomes Magic, for he is learned in the art of blending together the laws of the Universe, without breaking any of them and thereby violating Nature.
H. P. BlavatskyThe Secret Doctrine is the common property of the countless millions of men born under various climates, in times with which History refuses to deal, and to which esoteric teachings assign dates incompatible with the theories of Geology and Anthropology.
H. P. BlavatskyBe humble, if thou would'st attain to wisdom. Be humbler still, when wisdom thou hast mastered.
H. P. BlavatskyStrength your Soul against the stalk of the Ego, make it worth of the name of Diamond Soul.
H. P. Blavatsky