Men are generally right in what they affirm and wrong in what they deny. What we deny is generally something that lies outside our experience, and about which we can therefore say nothing.
H. Richard NiebuhrApart from the resurrection of Jesus, the eschatological orientation of the church appears as the spoke of a wheel without a hub.
H. Richard NiebuhrEveryone has some kind of philosophy, some general worldview, which to men of other views will seem mythological.
H. Richard NiebuhrChristendom has often achieved apparent success by ignoring the precepts of its founder.
H. Richard NiebuhrIt is imperative that the past of the pilgrims' progress be intentionally carried forward into the present as we work into our future. Without it we cannot know who we are, why we are here, or where we can go. Without a common past to live out of we become aimless and wandering individuals instead of a pilgrim people.
H. Richard Niebuhr