Green jobs - those are jobs that feel like new economy jobs; they do require some training.
Hanna RosinIn the US in recent years, around a third of all open management positions have gone to women. My research over the last three years has shown that the trend is going in the same direction at all levels. And by the way, it's not necessarily that the rise of women is causing the end of men - it's more the other way around. An increasing number of men are failing during their education, losing their jobs and then not managing to get back on their feet, so women have had to step in. The driving force here isn't feminist conviction, it's economic necessity.
Hanna RosinAs we get used to women in power, we are likely to discover that they behave much like powerful men - vain, entitled, always looking for more.
Hanna RosinEver since viewing screens entered the home, many observers have worried that they put our brains into a stupor. An early strain of research claimed that when we watch television, our brains mostly exhibit slow alpha waves - indicating a low level of arousal, similar to when we are daydreaming.
Hanna Rosin