Behold me, here I am; thy little handmaiden Acceptance-with-Joy and all that is in my heart is thine.
Hannah Hurnard... Every circumstance in life, no matter how crooked and distorted and ugly it appears to be, if it is reacted to in love and forgiveness and obedience to your will can be transformed.
Hannah HurnardAs Christians we know, in theory at least, that in the life of a child of God there are no second causes, that even the most unjust and cruel things, as well as all seemingly pointless and undeserved sufferings, have been permitted by God as a glorious opportunity for us to react to them in such a way that our Lord and Savior is able to produce in us, little by little, his own lovely character.
Hannah HurnardPrayer need not be a burdensome duty. It is meant to be a joyful and creative privilege.
Hannah Hurnard