When thou hast truly thanked the Lord for every blessing sent, But little time will then remain for murmur or lament.
Hannah MoreSweet is the breath of praise when given by those whose own high merit claims the praise they give.
Hannah MoreSince trifles make the sum of human things, And half our misery from our foibles springs.
Hannah Morewhen these incorrigible talkers are compelled to be quiet, is it not evident that they are not silent because they are listening to what is said, but because they are thinking of what they themselves shall say when they can seize the first lucky interval, for which they are so narrowly watching?
Hannah MoreSensibility appears to me to be neither good nor evil in itself, but in its application. Under the influence of Christian principle, it makes saints and martyrs; ill-directed, or uncontrolled, it is a snare, and the source of every temptation; besides, as people cannot get it if it is not given them, to descant on it seems to me as idle as to recommend people to have black eyes or fair complexions.
Hannah More