Thee may tell Aunt Janet from me that she might as well try to stop the stars in their courses as to try to stop a love affair.
Hannah Whitall SmithRemember always that there are two things which are more utterly incompatible even than oil and water, and these two are trust and worry. Can you call it trust, when you have given the saving and keeping of your soul into the hands of God, if day after day you are spending hours of anxious thought and questionings about the matter? When believers really trust anything, they cease to worry about the thing they have trusted.
Hannah Whitall SmithLet me advise thee not to talk of thyself as being old. There is something in Mind Cure, after all, and if thee continually talks of thyself as being old, thee may perhaps bring on some of the infirmities of age. At least I would not risk it if I were thee.
Hannah Whitall SmithI find that every soul that has travelled on this highway of holiness for any length of time, has invariably cut loose from its old moorings.
Hannah Whitall Smith