You have to understand the process of healing in the Age of Aquarius. What will give the healing is the flow of your soul energy.
Harbhajan Singh YogiCultivate the attitude of gratitude. The attitude of gratitude is when you are grateful for every breath of life.
Harbhajan Singh YogiDivinity is the elementary personality of a human being. When he can stand before corruption and win, that is an undivided personality. It is called divinity.
Harbhajan Singh YogiToday in the west we are asking the question, why is man unhappy? Answer is very simple. We have created a very fast society but we do not have a cozy home, and without a cozy home we do not have a mental state of nerve relaxed personality. Without having a mental state of nerve relaxed personality, you cannot face this fastness of the outer world; it's impossible.
Harbhajan Singh YogiTo start with, you should have an attitude of gratitude. Without an attitude of gratitude, neither prosperity nor pleasure, joy nor happiness means anything, and it works this way: to those who have an attitude of gratitude and who do it with innocence, Mother Nature brings all the wealth, health, and happiness.
Harbhajan Singh Yogi