Fully repeal Obamacare and replace it with health savings accounts. And we can do that.
Hari SreenivasanAfter that transition to the White House, Donald Trump will settle in for his first day of work, January 21, 2017. He's already proposed the actions he wants to take within his first 100 days in office, but which campaign promises can he realistically tackle in that time?
Hari SreenivasanFully fund the construction of a wall on our southern border. Don't worry about it. Remember, I said Mexico is paying for the wall.
Hari SreenivasanAt a Texas college, a football field that was turned into a farm. The Tigers of Paul Quinn College lost more football games than they won on this field. So, years ago, when the historically black college on the South Side of Dallas was in financial crisis and had a 1 percent graduation rate, a new president turned everything over, including the football field.
Hari SreenivasanMichael Sorrell had no experience running a college. He had been a lawyer and White House special assistant, but he knew Paul Quinn couldn't afford a football program. He turned the football field into an organic farm that generates more than 20,000 pounds of organic vegetables every year, veggies that make it into high-end restaurants and into the Dallas Cowboys' stadium.
Hari Sreenivasan