Life is trying to teach us one thing: to see the Eck, Holy Spirit, in the eyes of all we meet. This means that those who have the enlightenment, or work themselves into it, have the ability to know that the Spirit of God is always with them. From then on they find peace and contentment and accept themselves without apology.
Harold KlempWhether you are out in the world, or you're at home, you are simply an instrument of God's love in your universe.
Harold KlempYouth are the leaders of tomorrow. Those who practice the Spiritual Exercises of Eck will know how to lead by the example of love instead of the methods of force and lies, which are the standards of leaders under the spell of the negative force.
Harold KlempHerein, lies the key to love. Love builds bridges. Soul exists because God loves It. Soul equals Soul; no one Soul is greater than another. Experience the greatest love of all.
Harold KlempPeople are usually too busy counting the things they don't have. They notice how much more money their neighbor has, how much further ahead in spiritual unfoldment someone else is, and so on. But if we stop to count our blessings, to realize how much we do have and be grateful for it, then the heart is kept open to love and all the gifts that love brings, including the possibility of healing.
Harold Klemp