Weeping for Anna Karenina and being terrified by Hannibal Lecter, entering the heart of darkness with Mistah Kurtz, having Holden Caulfield ring you up - some things should happen on soft pages, not cold metal.
Harper LeeMockingbirds donโt do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They donโt eat up peopleโs gardens, donโt nest in corncribs, they donโt do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. Thatโs why itโs a sin to kill a mockingbird.
Harper LeeI never expected any sort of success with 'Mockingbird'... I sort of hoped someone would like it enough to give me encouragement.
Harper LeeFor the life of me, I did not understand how he[Atticus] could sit there in cold blood and read a newspaper when his only son stood an excellent chance of being murdered with a Confederate Army relic.
Harper LeeI had never thought about it, but summer was Dill by the fishpool smoking string, Dill's eyes alive with complicated plans to make Boo Radley emerge; summer was the swiftness with which Dill would reach up and kiss me when Jem was not looking, the longings we sometimes felt each other feel. With him, life was routine; without him, life was unbearable..." - Scout Finch
Harper Lee