If a test of civilization be sought, none can be so sure as the condition of that half of society over which the other half has power.
Harriet MartineauThe clergy complain of the enormous spread of bold books, from the infidel tract to the latest handling of the miracle question.
Harriet MartineauThis noble word [women], spirit-stirring as it passes over English ears, is in America banished, and 'ladies' and 'females' substituted: the one to English taste mawkish and vulgar; the other indistinctive and gross.
Harriet Martineau[On being deaf:] We can never get beyond the necessity of keeping in full view the worst and the best that can be made of our lot. The worst is, either to sink under the trial, or to be made callous by it. The best is, to be as wise as is possible under a great disability, and as happy as is possible under a great privation.
Harriet Martineau