Even if their outward fortunes could be absolutely equalized, there would be, from individual constitution alone, an aristocracy and a democracy in every land. The fearful by nature would compose an aristocracy, the hopeful by nature a democracy, were all other causes of divergence done away.
Harriet MartineauIf a test of civilization be sought, none can be so sure as the condition of that half of society over which the other half has power.
Harriet MartineauGoodness and simplicity are indissolubly united.-The bad are the most sophisticated, all the world over, and the good the least.
Harriet MartineauWhat office is there which involves more responsibility, which requires more qualifications, and which ought, therefore, to be more honorable, than that of teaching?
Harriet MartineauIf there is any country on earth where the course of true love may be expected to run smooth, it is America.
Harriet Martineau