... bringing up daughters for nothing but marriage, mingles poison in the cup of domestic life, is traitorous to the virtue of both sexes, for neither suffers alone--is adverse to the happiness, to the development of conscience and to religion, and introduces to the dwellings of wretchedness and despair. The result of this degradation is pride, intemperance, licentiousness--nay, every vice, misery, and degradation.
Harriot Kezia Hunt... these great improvements of modern times are blessings or curses on us, just in the same ratio as the mental, moral, and religious rule over the animal; or the animal propensities of our nature predominate over the intellectual and moral. The spider elaborates poison from the same flower, in which the bee finds materials out of which she manufactures honey.
Harriot Kezia HuntMedication alone is not to be relied on. In one half the cases medicine is not needed, or is worse than useless. Obedience to spiritual and physical laws--hygeine [sic] of the body, and hygeine of the spirit--is the surest warrant for health and happiness.
Harriot Kezia Hunt... the prevalent custom of educating young women only for marriage, and not for the duties and responsibilities consequent on marriage--only for appendages and dead weights to husbands--of bringing them up without an occupation, profession, or employment, and thus leaving them dependent on anyone but themselves--is an enormous evil, and an unpardonable sin.
Harriot Kezia HuntIt is high time that the women of Republican America should know how much the laws that govern them are like the slave laws ofthe South.
Harriot Kezia HuntEvery individual, like a statue, develops in his life the laws of harmony, integrity, and freedom; or those of deformity, immorality, and bondage. Whether we wish to or not, we are all drawing our own pictures in the lives we are living.
Harriot Kezia Hunt... bringing up daughters for nothing but marriage, mingles poison in the cup of domestic life, is traitorous to the virtue of both sexes, for neither suffers alone--is adverse to the happiness, to the development of conscience and to religion, and introduces to the dwellings of wretchedness and despair. The result of this degradation is pride, intemperance, licentiousness--nay, every vice, misery, and degradation.
Harriot Kezia Hunt